Waves of Love

Spreading The Truth One Byte At A Time

By Ron Bender© 2008, 2013

Read The Bible


When was the last time you sat by the ocean, a lake, or a stream? It’s a great place to meet God and breathe in deep as you appreciate his beauty and goodness that restores your soul.

I wish I have had more opportunities to travel to the ocean. There is a true sense of awe and power! The relentless crashing of the waves and the vastness of the water gives true perspective of how Big God is. Does size really matter?Knowing how BIG God is can give us a peace that there is nothing that He can not handle. Our personal struggles, temptations, and life in general are all small problems compared to the creation of the universe.

On the other hand many of us have a hard time relating to a HUGE God. We find it difficult to connect to the creator of all there is. Intimacy with Jesus may seem impossible. Perhaps you can visualize the relationship between a father and his children. As a child father seems so huge and awesome. As the relationship grows father never gets any smaller but the relationship changes as "we" grow. So while you are near the ocean let God's waves of love refresh you and comfort you as you draw near to Him.

Through Scripture reading, meditation, soul talk, solitude, and listening prayer we can draw closer to our Lord. He desires us to draw near to Him.

Try this Little, Refreshing Prayer

Psalm 42 is one of my favorite prayers especially around a body of water. Do you know this Psalm? One of the lines is: “Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me” (verse 7).

Years ago I paraphrased this verse:

The Deep calls to my deep

Wave after wave washes

Over me… In me… Through me…

I invite you to take a breather now…

Imagine yourself before the ocean of God’s love and pray Psalm 42:7. Try to be like a seashell in which the ocean so lives in your soul that you keep echoing with the waves of God’s love!

Read Waves of Love also. Psalm 42 is one of my favorite prayers. It’s especially helpful when going through distress or when God seems distant. Remember it is never God who moves.


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Ronald Bender- President/CEO Bender Consulting.~http://www.benderbytes.net/bender_consult



Faith In God